Greek Vegetarian Magiritsa

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Recipe for Greek Vegetarian Easter Magiritsa

This is an easy recipe for a vegetarian alternative to Magiritsa, which we posted yesterday and is traditionally eaten after the midnight service on Easter Saturday. It's basically an alternative soup for those who are vegetarian or who do not like magiritsa. It's very, very nourishing and terribly easy and quick to make.


½ kg spinach roughly cut
250g button mushrooms chopped
2 artichokes finely sliced
250g spring onions finely chopped
2tbsp dill finely chopped
1 tbsp fresh mint finely chopped
2 tbsp sweet trahanas or soup rice
50g butter
4 tbsp double cream
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste


Put the butter ina pan and sauté the spring onions for approx. 2 minutes.

Add the artichokes and mushrooms and continue to sauté for another 2 minutes.

Add the spinach, dill and mint, turn the mixture once and add approx. 200ml water.

Bring to the boil and add the trahanas or soup rice.

Simmer for about 20 minutes.

Add the cream, turn up the heat and bring to the boil.

Add the salt and pepper and remove from the heat.

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Eat and Enjoy!


Unknown said...

How many servings does this make??

symposio said...

Dianna - It should give you 6 servings.

Judee@ Gluten Free A-Z Blog said...

Hi ,
I just found your blog and am thrilled with this incredible vegetarian soup. I'm now a follower and would a follow back.

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